Imprisonment in Williamsburg

In Council-June 16, 1779.jpeg

"In Council. June 16, 1779." 

Library of Congress (

See below or click here and then use the scroll of zoom funstions to read what the Virginia State Council had to say about Henry Hamilton's actions at Fort Sackville.

After surrendering at Sackville, Hamilton was taken prisoner and brought back to Williamsburg, VA where Clark finally got his revenge. There, the Virginia State Council had the prisoner put in jail, issuing the following decree:

In Council, June 16, 1779 --They find that Governour Hamilton has executed the task of inciting the Indians to perpetrate their accustomed cruelties on the citizens of these states... the Governour Hamilton gave standing rewards for scalps, but not for prisoners... this Board has resolved to advise the Governour that the said Henry Hamilton... be put into irons, confined in the dungeon of the publick jail, debarred the use of pen, ink, and paper, and excluded all converse... ARCHIBAD BLAIR, c.c.

Lt. Governor Henry Hamilton
Imprisonment in Williamsburg