Recruiting American Indian Allies

Bosseron’s records and Clark’s memoir also show the important role Helm played in recruiting American Indian allies to support Clark’s cause. He largely formed friendly relations with local Indian groups through traditional gift giving ceremonies. Bosseron’s records indicate that Helm, on several occasions bought gifts for the Indians: “To Tobacco, chief of the Indians...2 silk handkerchiefs...25 livres” (October 15), “3 rolls of tobacco for the Indians” (November 1) and “1 jug for the Indians...20” (December 26 - from his personal account). Because of this a few other Indian groups in the area became impressed by Clark and his men, which they dubbed “big knives,” and switched their loyalties to the Americans.

In particular, Helm successfully secured the allegiance of Tobacco's Son, a local Piankashaw Indian Chief. Click Here to hear more about this story.

A translation from French of the nineteenth page of François Busseron's Account Book featuring the items Helm bought on behalf of the United States. 

Translations can be found at:

Captain Leonard Helm
Recruiting American Indian Allies