
Hello! My name is Greta. I am a second semester M.A. student at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. I am interested in Early American History and Public History (specifically Museums and Digital Media). I am also part of Mason’s Digital Public Humanities Graduate Certificate program, which I started in the Fall of 2015. I have a background in museum work, serving at two different sites. I have also had a life-long love of technology. Throughout middle school and high school, I submitted my work to Media Fairs and Festivals, winning serval awards at the State and International level. I am excited to learn more about digital public history this semester, as it combines my love of technology with my enthusiasm for finding engaging ways to educate a public audience about topics in history. I hope to build upon the tools and strategies from last semester and to try my hand at a digital public history project. I am excited for the class to open my eyes to even more ways that technology can be utilized in a public history setting.

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