Database Review

Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project



The site, created by the Michigan State University Library, provide access to full-text searchable versions of 76 important American cookbooks from the 18th to early 20th century. It also a includes a glossary of cooking terminology, as well as multidimensional pictures of cooking implements from that time period (from the MSU Museum). It allows one to search by book title, book author, recipe name or ingredient used in the recipe. One can also browse the collection alphabetically by title, by publication date or by looking at a topical list of cooking styles and terms.


Date Range: 1798-1808, 1824-1922

Publisher: Michigan State University Library

About Page: Project-, Staff-

Object Type: Cookbooks

Location of original material: Cookbooks – Michigan State University Library, Cooking Implements- Michigan State University Museum

Exportable image: Yes

Facsimile image: Yes

Full text searchable: Yes

Titles list links: Yes

History / Provenance 

Original catalog: Michigan State University Library,

Digitized from microfilm: No

Original sources: 76 of the more than 10,000 cookbooks from the MSU’s Cookery Collection, housed in Special Collections – a division of the MSU Library.


Reviewed in The Scout Report, Volume 8, Number 49, December 13th, 2002.

Review by environmentalist historian Ann Vileisis in Port Orford, Oregon, Jan.-March 2012.

Review on

Info from Publisher

Frequently Asked Questions

Other Information 

Digitizing Process

Editorial Intervention


These works are in the public domain, so they are no longer under copyright. But it is always a good idea to cite your sources so that others can discover where you found your information.

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