You will take a midterm exam during the week before Spring Break. A study guide will be provided.

The midterm will consist of 3 types of questions: 
1) Multiple Choice
2) Identifications (Key Terms): These questions give you a key term and ask you to write a sentence explaining who or what the term is and write a second sentence explaining why it is important.
3) Short answer: These questions ask you to write a short paragraph which explains a particular concept or takes a stance on a particular issue based on evidence from the class materials.

With this assignment, you have a chance to help determine the content of the exam. This assignment asks you to think about the course material so far, and determine what concepts you think are the most important and should be included on the exam. Write 6 potential exam questions, and then give a sample answer for each question.

Be sure to include questions and sample answers for:
-2 key terms (IDs) for technology
-2 key terms (IDs) for early America history
-1 short answer question about technology
-1 short answer question about early American history

Submit your questions and answers in Canvas by Tuesday 2/27 at midnight.