General course policies maybe found in the Southern Methodist University catalog and Mustang Handbook.

Course Schedule

The instructor reserves the right to modify the course schedule or assignments as the course progresses, and this syllabus may be updated online as necessary. The online version of this syllabus is the only authoritative version.

Attendance and Participation

During this semester you will engage with a significant amount sources and digital tools that help you learn about information technology and how to employ it to study early American history. Much of our class time will be spent discussing what we have read, learning new digital skills and tools, and practicing those skills and tools together. In addition, all digital skill assignments are based on workshops and tutorials held during class. Therefore class attendance and active participation is crucial for your success in this course. 

You will also receive a grade for assignments, discussions, presentations, and practice work that we do in class. Come to class with a good knowledge of the assigned readings/videos/projects. Be ready to discuss these materials and ask questions, or present about the course work you have completed. In-class assignments cannot be made up.

Exceptions for attendance and participation will be made only for health reasons, religious holidays, and other university-approved excuses. If you anticipate missing class for an excused reason, please let me know as soon as possible. 


This course will primarily use a platform called Slack for class communication. While I welcome all questions on class projects and assignments, it is my hope that Slack will be a useful tool for students to communicate with and solicit advice from each other as well. For questions about assignments, the course schedule or resources, use the #general channel. To discuss technical problems and offer help and suggestions to each other, use the #tech-help channel. I expect most discussions to take place in these public channels. Questions about grades or problems of a personal nature should be addressed in a private Slack message, or discussed with me during office hours. 

Required Purchases

During this class you will create a professional/academic blog with a personal domain name, and use it to complete many of your assignments. You will be required to purchase a plan from Reclaim Hosting at the start of this course. A personal plan, including your unique domain name, costs $45 for one year of service. If you already have a professional/academic blog, please talk to me.

You are not required to purchase any texts for this course, but you will have readings due nearly every day our class meets. These materials will either be freely available online, accessible through SMU’s library catalog, or posted to Canvas. 


This is a class about using digital technology, and thus requires the use of a computer and other online tools. All assignments in this course will be completed in class or submitted electronically. During class, please use your devices for course work and class communication only. Do not use your devices for watching movies, checking email, browsing social media or handling personal affairs. One of the goals of this course is to learn how to be respectful producers and consumers of digital content, and the way we utilize technology in the classroom is part of that. 

Late Work

In this class, we will be moving through materials and assignments at a rapid pace. It is therefore imperative that you keep on top of the readings and turn in assignments on time. In that vein, no unexcused late work will be accepted. If extenuating circumstances arise, please let me know. Any alternate arrangements must be agreed upon by the instructor and student before an assignment is due.

Classroom Conduct

Our in-class conduct and discussion will also be guided by the principles of academic integrity. In order to learn, we must be open to the views of people different from ourselves. Vigorous discussion and debate are encouraged in this course, with the firm expectation that all aspects of the class will be conducted with civility toward others who have different ideas, perspectives, and traditions than your own. Please refrain from personal attacks or demeaning comments of any kind.


Students are responsible for verifying their enrollment in this class. Students must take the appropriate steps to drop or withdraw from the class in order to be removed from the class’ roster. Failure to attend class does not result in an automatic drop. Schedule adjustments should be made by the deadlines published on the Registrar’s website for SMU’s 2023–2024 Academic Calendar.

Academic Integrity and Generative AI

Southern Methodist University has an Honor Code which requires all members of this community to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, lying, and stealing are all prohibited. All violations of the Honor Code will be acted upon in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in the Mustang Student Handbook.

Unless otherwise specified you should work on your own assignments. When you rely on someone else’s work, you should give full credit in the proper form. 

Plagiarism consists of presenting the writing, research, or analysis of others as one’s own, and is not acceptable in any form. Any text, information, analysis, ideas, or opinions from someone else that are presented in your own work—whether paraphrased or copied verbatim—must be properly attributed to its author and source and cited in a footnote, endnote, or bibliography. Direct quotes must be inside quotation marks or offset as a block quote. Paraphrased text must have been substantially altered in word choice, order, and sentence structure. When in doubt, please ask for guidance and clarification. Any instance of plagiarism will result in, at minimum, the student receiving a grade of 0 on the assignment, and the student will not be given the opportunity to redo the assignment.

In addition, the use of any form of Generative AI is not permitted in this course (unless expressly authorized by the professor) and will be considered a type of plagiarism. The assignments have been designed to ensure that you personally develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills associated with the learning outcomes laid out in the syllabus. To ensure that you can demonstrate ownership of the assignments you submit, you are encouraged to maintain clear evidence of your work (e.g., time-stamped drafts and notes; copies and links to source material). Any violation of these rules will be treated at the undergraduate level within the SMU Student Honor Code. If there is sufficient cause for concern, an incident report will be submitted for review by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. 

Student Support

Disability Accommodations & Success Strategies (DASS) at SMU is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. If you are a student who needs academic accommodations, please contact DASS first. Then please discuss your approved accommodations with me. Please do not hesitate to seek out the assistance you need to be successful in this course. Website: | Email: | Phone: 214-768-1470

Students needing assistance with writing assignments for SMU courses may schedule an appointment with the Writing Center through Canvas.

Students who would like support for subject-specific tutoring or success strategies should contact Student Academic Success Programs (SASP). Loyd All Sports Center, Suite 202; 214-768-3648; Tutor schedules are available at

Students who have concerns about their mental health can schedule a same-day or next-day appointment to speak with a counselor by contacting Counseling Services at 214-768-2277. SMU Teletherapy provides another free option for on-demand counseling and video appointments with a medical professional.

Sexual Harassment

All forms of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking, are violations of SMU’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and may also violate Texas law. Students who wish to file a complaint or to receive more information about the grievance process may contact Samantha Thomas, SMU’s Title IX Coordinator, at or 214-768-3601. Please note that faculty and staff are mandatory reporters. If students notify faculty or staff of sexual harassment, they must report it to the Title IX Coordinator. For more information about sexual harassment, including resources available to assist students, please visit