For your final project in this class, you will write and publish a historical narrative online about an early American history topic of your choice. Your digital narrative will make use of digital tools and methods to demonstrate how digital history can be used to illustrate some aspect of Early American history or to tell readers something new about your topic. Throughout the semester, you will complete digital assignments based on the topic you have chosen. Therefore, it is important to choose your topic early in the semester. 

Between January 29th to February 2nd, you will meet with me individually to discuss the topic for your final project. Schedule a meeting here. Unless other arrangements are made, these meetings will take place at my office, Dallas Hall 58D (in the history department). 

Please have at least two potential topics in mind. Example of topics include: Early Republic politics, religion, trade/commerce, slavery, international slave trade, migration, literature, postal service, poor whites, indentured servants, gentry, women/gender, Seven Years’ War, American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, etc. You’ll want to focus your research on a topic or issue taking place approximately between 1650 and 1830.