Understanding the variety of digital projects that exist, and knowing how to read and evaluate them is an important skill in our digital age. In this assignment, you will explore several digital history projects, select one, and write a review of the site. You will post this review in the blog section of you website.

Part 1: Due Tuesday 2/6 at midnight.

  • Explore at least 3 of the digital history projects listed below. Then, pick one project to review, and inspect it more closely. Use the questions in the assignment details to guide your initial investigation and assessment.
  • Write a short report (150-200 words) about your preliminary findings. Be sure to name the 3 projects you explored and the project you decided to review. Explain why you selected the site you intend to review, and give your initial impressions of the site.
  • Submit your report via Canvas.

Part 2: Due Friday 2/9 at midnight.

  • Formally write up a review of the project you have selected (see details below) and add it as a blog post on your website. WordPress instructions for adding a blog post to your website can be found here.
  • Submit the URL of your post via Canvas. (There is one Canvas assignment for this entire assignment, so you will need to submit you URL as a “second attempt” for this Canvas assignment.)

Assignment details

  • Your review should be approximately 500-750 words. It should use full sentences and paragraphs with topic sentences.
  • Be sure to write about: What topic, period, and place of history do they cover? What arguments or interpretations do they make? What is the audience for the site? What sources are they based on? Who created them, and who did what work? Who funded them? What technologies do they use? Is it easy to navigate? Does it function effectively, or are aspects of its functionality cumbersome or confusing?
  • Consult the National Council of Public History’s Digital Project Review Guidelines. Decide which of their five categories (online archive, digital scholarship, digital exhibit, teaching resource, apps) is the best fit for your project. In your review, name the category you chose and explain why you think it is the best fit.
  • Include at least 3 screenshots of important parts of the website.
  • Be sure to include a citation for the project according to the Chicago Manual of Style conventions. For help, view the resources on SMU’s Libraries Chicago Citation Guide, including links (on the right) to the Chicago Manual of Style Online and the Chicago Style Citation Quick Guide.

Digital History Projects

This assignment has been adapted from the National Council of Public History’s Digital Project Review Guidelines.