As we move into the second half of the semester, we’re going to be spending more time working on our final project. To this end, we need to develop a toolbox of skills that will help us better understand how to analyze our sources. This assignment asks you to read an article about historical thinking skills, explore a digital project about a Revolutionary War battle, and then use historical thinking skills to analyze primary sources about the battle.

This assignment is due at Monday March 18 at 11am. Upload your completed PDF to Canvas.

First, read this article about historical thinking by Sam Wineburg, an expert in history education:
Sam Wineburg, “Thinking Like a Historian,” Teaching with Primary Sources Quarterly 3, 1 (Winter 2010), pg. 2-4.

Next, explore “Voices of Sackville”, a digital project about a battle in the western theater of the American Revolution. Click on the names in the right hand menu to learn about this battle from the perspective of at least four individuals.

Finally, complete this exercise in Corroboration. Download this sheet and use it to record your answers as you go along. Use the navigation menu on the right to move through the activity. Turn in your completed worksheet on Canvas.